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Wise Living with the Five Elements

Saturday 4 June 2016, 10am-4pm
Ilkley Healing Centre, 8 Nelson Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8HN
£45-70 sliding scale (includes lunch, tea, snacks and materials)
Bailey Flower Essences and Supplementary Fire
-Rebecca Hunter with Chris Bailey

The workshop will comprise of:


- Short presentations on each of the five elements, practical ideas that you can easily introduce into your life


- Various short exercises and meditations


- Teaching of some points that you can press on your body to help with emotions, plus some flower essences


- actual experiences to illustrate each element including things like hand massage, eating food in a different way, resting at particular times, laughing exercises.

How the day will work

Living with the seasons is a skill that brings better health, more energy, joy and happiness to your life.


The Chinese Five Elements of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire all represent different aspects of our whole being. Balancing these elements is the key to health, vitality and well-being.


This practical one-day workshop will give you an overview of the elements and introduce practical daily changes that you can easily bring to your life to live more healthily through the natural year


- Take charge of your life and health


- Gain more energy, less stress and greater well-being.

About the workshop

Why Five Elements?

Our lives have changed drastically over the last century or so. We’ve lost some of the basic skills that our ancestors had that kept them grounded and healthy, connected with the Earth and the people around them.


Five Elements is an ancient system of living that encourages harmony between body, mind, spirit and the natural world that surrounds us. Living with an awareness of five elements:


- encourages intuition and a heightened awareness of our purpose


- improves performance at work by bringing greater mental acuity, planning skills and general calmness


- improves our relationships by increasing our understand of ourselves and others


- brings better health, happiness and joy to our lives.


If you would like help with finding a place to stay overnight, or if you require directions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Workshop notes will be provided, but please bring a notebook and pen so that you can make notes if you need to.


The room where the workshop will be held is up two flights of stairs. Also, we may use the garden for some of the day (weather permitting), so please bring a jacket to wear.


We will be doing some gentle exercises through the day, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing.


Lunch and snacks are provided on this workshop. All meals are vegetarian, but if you have other dietary requirements, please do let me know on the booking form. Please note that the lunch is actually a part of the workshop teachings and although we will take a break, this break is part of the workshop. Please make arrangements to stay on the premises and join in the lunch.


Thank you all!

Please email Rebecca at:


or for practicalities of the day,

call the Ilkley Healing Centre:

01943 602177


Rebecca Hunter has worked in the field of flower essences for over 30 years, and has been writing about five elements for several years.


Having trained with her step-father, Arthur Bailey, she is steeped in knowledge and love for the Bailey Flower Essences.


She is married to Stephen and has two wonderful boys who they homeschool in the mountain town of Nelson in British Columbia, Canada.

About Rebecca
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